Young SHAI Families
Our SHAI Young Families division is dedicated to bringing together all of our young families living in Long Island, Queens, New York City and the entire metropolitan area. Spearheaded by trustee and Co-Vice President Erika Goldstein-Kashi and trustee Tania Eshaghoff-Friedberg and continued to be led by Erika. The division was originally created to gather young Persian families outside their synagogue and school obligations through an annual Fall Festival event at White Post Farms and various educational programming and has grown to include much more. Erika took it a step further and created a young families division with the intention of creating a mini-community in Manhattan. The goal was to create a young strong community for their children and themselves, so that they can have the strong values and friendships they grew up with. We have a fabulous group of families and a terrific, energetic committee. The group is fun, supportive, educational, helpful and needed! They are doing events and things they all need and want as a community. Family events and programs like the annual farm festival, their very successful Family Purim celebrations, their Family Chanukah parties, their Chanukah Chessed programs and others teach our children to give back to the community. We partner with the Persian Jewish Center of Manhattan, Park East Synagogue, the Moise Safra Center, Hineni Young Families and the like and we are proud of the mini-community created in the city for our Young Families.